Aurora Winter on Biz Bros Podcast

Aurora Winter and Janice Porter on Relationships Rule.

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Today the Biz Bros chat with Aurora Winter about the importance of a book for leaders, entrepreneur and experts!

Aurora is a bestselling author, TV-producer, media coach, ghostwriter, and successful serial entrepreneur. She uses her film-making expertise and neuroscience to help people communicate and get results, whether it’s raising 7 figures for a startup, negotiating for a raise, or enrolling a new client. Do you want to write a book? Do you want to create multiple streams of income with your successful business, brand, and book? Then stay tuned! Welcome to the show, Aurora!

To learn more about Aurora, check out her website here:

About Aurora Winter:

Serial entrepreneur Aurora Winter demystifies the magnetic marketing messages needed to trigger success. A TV writer-producer, she uses her film-making background and neuroscience to help entrepreneurs get their messages out to the masses. The most effective communication integrates smarts, showmanship, and storytelling — think Hollywood meets Silicon Valley.

Leaders launch startups and movements by leveraging clear, concise, compelling words. Yet, many intelligent people sabotage their success because they fail to master communication skills. Failure can be avoided with the proper training. Aurora trains people to confidently share their memorable message, whether delivered as a pitch, talk, video, or book. A sought-after speaker and trainer, Aurora is frequently featured in the media, including ABC TV, CBS TV, KTLA TV, Success magazine, Elle magazine, and Oprah radio to name a few.

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