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Building & Launching Leaders

Available for interview: Aurora Winter, MBA, author, Thought Leader Launch

Using her expertise in business, neuroscience, and film, business coach, TV writer-producer, and author Aurora Winter builds and launches leaders. Her new book, Thought Leader Launch, helps the reader discover, create, and monetize his or her own unique Million-Dollar Message.

ABC, CBS, KTLA, Fox, Hallmark Channel, The Huffington Post, Oprah radio, Success magazine, and other media have featured Aurora’s uplifting and useful advice. A successful entrepreneur, speaker, and mentor, Aurora has trained emerging and established leaders both nationally and internationally. She is the author of six books.
Sample Subjects:

  • Thought Leader Secrets. The value of becoming media-savvy; 3 common communication mistakes to avoid; How to create author-ity; Using neuroscience to promote your ideas, cause, or business.
  • Entrepreneurship: How to generate creative, ground-breaking ideas; How to raise capital; The new Alt-MVP (alternative to Minimum Viable Product); the 27X Rule; Knowing when to take a risk; 3 overlooked ways to leap-frog the competition, even if your competition is bigger and more established.
  • Write Your Book: Why Sir Richard Branson thinks everyone should write a book; 3 hacks that make writing your book faster, easier, and more fun; To self-publish or not; The surprising ways writing a book transforms your past, present, and future.
  • Bottom’s Up: Loss Launches Leaders. Why leaders emerge because of, not in spite of adversity; How to turn setbacks into rocket fuel; Examples of loss launching famous leaders; 3 ways to become your own hero; How you can make a difference.
  • Women in Business: 3 tips for releasing your anchors to elevate your influence at work; The #1 minefield you must avoid
  • Reinvention: How to reinvent your career, business, or yourself; Releasing the blocks that are keeping you stuck; Why reinvention is rejuvenating.
Aurora Winter, MBA, TV Producer, Author, Trainer
YouTube: Celebrating Our Clients’ Successes

Thought Leader Secrets – Surprising Ways that Richard Branson and other experts became rich and famous (and how you can use these 7 secrets — even if you’re not famous) 

Your Book, Your Brand, Your Business
– 7 Proven Ways to Create Wealth & Authority. Discover the hacks Tim Ferriss used to become a thought leader, and how you can use the same methods to grow your business & brand.

Starting Over:
How to turn breakdowns into breakthroughs—even if you feel stuck. Aurora Winter learned about starting over the hard way—after her husband died suddenly when their son was only 4 years old. Her life has had many new chapters—new careers, new businesses, new relationships, and more!


Aurora Winter interviewed on CBS news

“What do you do?” It’s a common question. What’s your answer?
Studies show that people who have an ordinary answer to this question have an ordinary income — whereas people who have an extraordinary income have an extraordinary answer! Aurora Winter, author of “Marketing Fastrack” teaches a simple 3-step recipe to design a great answer, whether you’re a Mom, an employee, or an entrepreneur. TV anchor Jenny Toste adds her own blend of humanity and expertise to this entertaining and informative segment.

How to Beat the Holiday Blues


Aurora Winter shares how to overcome challenges, such as a divorce or death, and a simple, fun resolution that can change your life.

There is playful banter about the differences between men and women, and the importance of listening (versus fixing).

Wendy Burch, TV host, opens up to Aurora Winter and candidly shares her own struggles with depression, and how difficult –and important—it is to ask for help.

Aurora Winter interviewed on Home and Family on Hallmark Channel

Home & Family Host Cristina Ferrare welcomes Aurora Winter, saying “I noticed immediately … your energy and the way you presented yourself with such grace and dignity and happiness! It’s genuine.

You made everyone feel at home and at ease immediately.” Aurora shares that she felt that God asked for a volunteer who would like to teach people how to go from heartbreak to happiness—and she volunteered for that job.

And her late husband volunteered to teach her what she needed to know. With that perspective, grief evaporates into gratitude.

Life After Setbacks

CBS News

No matter what setback you’re dealing with, Aurora Winter reveals three questions that can turn your life around:

What if something good is happening here?
Where is the hidden gift?
How can I help others?

Surprisingly, the fastest way to enhance our own happiness is by helping others.

Aurora Winter interviewed by Lisa Garr on Gaiam TV

Lisa Garr read “From Heartbreak to Happiness” in just one night, and was moved to tears.

Aurora shares how heartbreaking it was to tell her four-year-old son that his father was dead.

She also shares a life-changing dream. (clip from one-hour TV interview)

Life is a Pitch

CBS news

We’re always pitching something. It might be that we’re pitching our boss on why we should get a raise.

Or pitching our spouse on why summer vacation with the inlaws is not the best idea. Or pitching to turn a prospect into a client.

Aurora Winter, author of “Marketing Fastrack” has tips on how to be effective at getting what you want. Jenny Toste is the TV anchor.